Euclid Gayas
2 Artworks
Euclid Gayas is a Salugnon and a self-taught artist from Jaro, Leyte who envisions establishing a small learning center dedicated to helping out-of-school youth and less fortunate kids develop their skills in the arts. This idea has flourished because of his desire to help them redirect their path and somehow improve their situation. With this goal in mind, he started painting when he was in high school. In college, he pursued industrial education and majored in drafting. Due to his sheer talent, he was awarded the best in drafting. Additionally, he was one of the cartoonists and the literary editor for the best school publication in the region.
For him, painting is like a literary piece that conveys a story through brush strokes, ink marks, and salient elements of design. Now, he continues to explore art as a way to express his innermost thoughts, relevant insights, and deepest feelings and emotions.