Josie Centeno Paynor
2 Artworks
Josie Centeno-Paynor has won over a hundred awards and recognitions from international Facebook groups.
Her ambition to finish Fine Arts was thwarted by her parents' lack of means to send her to college. Thus, she has to be content with a two-year diploma course in architectural drafting.
Centeno-Paynor has participated in around 35 local group shows, mostly in the Bulacan area, where she has lived all her life. She was also featured in the exhibit on the 500th anniversary of the victory of Mactan, organized by the National Commission of Culture and the Arts.
It is heart-rending to know that as she goes through the pains and discomfort of stage 3 breast cancer, she still paints and participates in online art competitions where she has made a name for herself.