Scott Garceau
5 Artworks
Scott Garceau has turned his experiences of living in the Philippines for 20 years into a column for the Philippine Star ("The X-Pat Files") and several essay and fiction collections. He is also a co-member (with his wife) of The Garceaus, a local alt-pop band currently recording at Big Baby Studios.
Coming from early art school training (Atlanta College of Art) as well as a literature degree, he has participated in four art shows in Manila ("18X24" at Metro Gallery, 2009; "Other Views," Galerie Y, 2012; "Trio of Doom," Robinsons Galleria ARTablado, 2020; "100," Imprimatura Gallery online exhibit, 2020).
His pieces from last year ("Deface the Music") reflect on faces — specifically, those featured on iconic rock album covers by The Beatles, David Bowie. Weezer, Nirvana, The Who, The Clash, Simon and Garfunkel, and Springsteen — extruded and warped through various means, in oil medium. Most size formats match vinyl album dimensions (12"x12"), though some are larger.
"This is a direction I took after featuring camera ‘glitches’ taken with my cell phone that I then rendered on canvas. I was interested in the mutability of the face and body in the images, and this kind of focused on famous faces during the period of lockdown and wearing facial masks."