An Environmental Science major, Bettina now takes her experimentation over to her studio, where she plays with materials and techniques, creating pieces that straddle painting, woodworking, and metal sculpture. She is largely self-taught, and over the years her works have evolved from traditional 2D paintings into art pieces that infuse painting with sculptural 3D elements.
Embracing sustainable art in 2019, she recycles materials to create her pieces, combining traditional materials such as paint, wood, and metal with less orthodox elements like plastics and discarded materials.
It is her hope that her works will call attention to the environmental crises and encourage others to adopt sustainable green living and become part of the solution.
She is an intuitive artist and often wears her heart and mind on her artistic sleeve. Years of struggle with her bipolar condition enhanced this, and she has since learned to harness and draw from her experiences to create her artworks.
In 2013, she was a finalist in the Globe Imaginart nationwide art competition. In 2020, she was selected by a jury for the UN75 Global Conversation 2020 2nd Round exhibit, and in 2021, one of her works was selected by a jury to be featured in The Social Art Award 2021 Book, launched by the Institute for Art and Innovation, Berlin. Silverio also had exhibitions internationally, which were located in Belgium and Madrid.